March SOFETI Newsletter by Jacob - Green Canopy

March SOFETI Newsletter by Jacob

Written by Liam

On March 18, 2023

Hello everyone! My name is Jacob Marek, as the country director it is my great
opportunity and pleasure to update you all this first newsletter for the Sepik Organic
Farming and Eco Tourism Innovative (SOFETI CBO) that was established in 2020 and
am also very much proud and privileged to have a wonderful overseas donor supporter
like Green Canopy Collective Organization based in New Zealand. Through Mr. Liam
Smedley and the hard working team.
Yes of course it has taken some time within three years now to get the shared
common goals and information’s organized together and building mutual trust to start
a new Project as now having strong foundation.
In addition, the Sepik Organic Farm and Eco Tourism Innovative is locally and
fully registered with the Government of Papua New Guinea to carry out Community
Based service and to also openly partner with other interested agency through Green
Canopy Collective organization to support in cash or kind to complete the projects.
Currently we are establishing and setting up in the rural Ambunti district of
East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea. An agreed customary land has been
secured for building of the entire permanent based project SOFETI Education Centre.
This are some of the highlights about the SOFETI project.
Firstly, we are very thankful to have been receiving some little funds from Green
Canopy Collective Organization and all the faithful donors to pay for the water
surveyor team that have successfully carried out their awareness in Ambunti station
targeting a particular needy rural village community and do the feasibility studies
tasks early this year. And will complete the last part of their survey to have the full
report of the community water supply project task in progress.
Secondly, we got the SOFETI Project center is under construction and has been a very
big challenge in terms of funds to purschase building hardware materials and timbers
to complete the building. The building needs to be completed for the sake of creating
better environment for overseas partners like Green Canopy Collective to occupy
towards establishing other projects. And it will be beneficiary to other international
visitors or students who wish to study the culture and way of life for the people of
Papua New Guinea and undiscovered East Sepik Province and the beautiful Ambunti
district landscapes and natural untouched virgin environment. However, the
completion of the project center is uncertain as continuous funding is required.

Thirdly the Sepik Organic Farming Eco Tourism innovative (SOFETI) organization
and Green Canopy collective is now having interested Partner school as Kooyer’s
Primary School is in desperate need to build their future day higher school library.
At the moment we have agreed and information’s have been shared and gathered
and finalized. The Kooyers Primary school board and the six staffs with Pacific Island
Ministries as the overall overseer are very much happy about the new project and
hoping that the Library building will be soon have some financial support from
interested donors to complete the rural school project in Ambunti district of East
Sepik Province.

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Green Canopy is a collective to assist and lead social and infrastructure projects, we advocate for sustainable social development while managing the project and coinciding infrastructure. Our primary focus lays with SOFETI in Ambunti, Papua New Guinea with the plan to expand to more locations in Papua New Guinea and the greater Melanesian area.